Season’s greatings Mavericks.
2023 has whooshed by and Christmas is just around the corner. We never know what a year may bring. What we do know is that our world is dynamic, ever changing and presents many opportunities and challenges. We’re certainly witnessing that locally and globally. On a personal level I feel grateful for what has unfolded this year. I’ve created and responded to the opportunities and challenges that have presented. I’ve connected with new people and new clients and deepened working relationships with others.
Here’s a few highlights over the past couple of months.
Contributing to Inertia Engineering’s regular Elevate sessions and the second Inertia Connect day which is a highlight in my work calendar. This year we headed to the iconic Old Museum to have quality time together and experience creative challenges by communicating and creating in different modalities. It’s too easy to keep on doing the same things. Innovation requires us to see and do things differently. We listened to jazz as an improvisational prompt. Maverick Minds worked with Simon Hewett the Queensland Youth Orchestra’s Director of Music to open people’s minds to the idea of communicating as an ensemble, using orchestral instruments. We cast ourselves away on a desert island to get to know each other’s strengths in a unique way and found out what our desert island luxuries would be. We sketched, worked with images, discussed, and expressed Inertia’s values, ultimately with Inertian’s bringing them to life in a series of painted canvases. These immersive experiences deepen engagement, engage our senses, amplify connection, and enhance learning. They look fabulous in their office board room.
Managing Director Scott Clements says “Inertia Connect is all about bringing our team together, away from the office, discussing our organisation, our future and the plans that we have in place for Inertia and our Inertians. Days like this are really important to us; it is an opportunity for us to spend quality time together – something that often gets lost in the bustle of the day-to-day – to get to know each other’s strengths, personalities, and values, and to be pushed outside our comfort zones, increasing our bonds as a team, meaning we can be more effective in support of each other, our partners, our clients and their projects.
Zonta Club of Brisbane Board Development – With the appointment of new board members it was the perfect time for the Zontian board to step back, deepen connections and appreciate the depth of experience, strengths, leadership of the new board. What emerged was a stronger sense of belonging. These sessions took place prior to the board meeting which provided a fruitful and effective time which led well into their board discussions and decision-making.
Zonta Club of Brisbane’s President Sandra McLean said, “I feel strongly that you need to give extra support to the board that are volunteering their time and skills to a not for profit – so it was wonderful to have Cathryn work with us over two amazing sessions using her insight, creativity and calm to guide us through this sometimes complex conversation. It feels more cohesive and trusting now for us to work together as a board to build a better world for women and girls. Thank you, Cathryn”.
I believe board development is an area which needs more focus. I’m convinced we would see an improvement in board procedures if boards engaged in regular professional development and reflection. If you have a sense your board could benefit from board development, I invite you to get in touch.

Esri Australia / Boustead Geospatial Group – this was such an interesting engagement and gave me a fascinating insight into the world of Geographic Information Systems. Together we took a very tight and busy agenda, re-framed and facilitated it through a creative and systems thinking approach.
Queensland Ambulance Service – an organisation that is held in high regard by the community and one I have worked with previously. Change is inevitable, organisations need to adapt and be proactive. Drawing and interpreting visually rich pictures the team mapped their current situation, gained new perspectives and insights, and began the process of mapping the future. Change is always work in progress. I look forward to continuing this valuable work.
Australian Chapter of the International Association of Facilitiators (IAF) – Ths year I joined the committee of the IAF. We have a planning meeting set for February 2024. I’m looking forward to working with a great team of people committed to contributing positively to the practice of facilitation.
It’s clearer than evert that we need to be able to adapt to the reality of what presents personally, professionally and organisationally. How we frame and reframe situations and circumstances will determine how we approach it. Creative thinking and experimentation play an enormous role.
As a final closing for the year, I encourage you to reflect on what you are grateful for and share it with others. Try it with your friends, family and colleagues and ask them what they are grateful for. We can fall into the trap of seeing what’s not working rather than what is working.
I was invited to my first thanksgiving gathering this year and shared this experience with people I’d not met previously. It was wonderful to hear what people are thankful for. They are powerful reminders for what is really important. What is clear is that people value their health, family and friends, this beautiful planet we call home and that we share a unique human experience.
For those I’ve worked and connected with throughout the year, thank you. For those I’ve yet to work with, here lies an opportunity. If you would like to collaborate and co-create on your projects in 2024 let’s arrange a time to explore where that opportunity is. I love hearing what people are up to and how Maverick Minds can add value to your endeavour.
I look forward to reconnecting with you in 2024. Oh, and next time you receive Maverick Minds newsletter you are likely to see a new look Maverick Minds website…exciting.
May your summer break be full of love, creativity, peace, and joy.
Yours creatively