Uncategorized | Creative Leadership Wellbeing Innovation Program Brisbane https://www.maverickminds.com.au Shift your thinking Wed, 07 Dec 2022 07:17:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://www.maverickminds.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/cropped-Maverick-Minds-favicon-32x32.jpg Uncategorized | Creative Leadership Wellbeing Innovation Program Brisbane https://www.maverickminds.com.au 32 32 Christmas message 2022 https://www.maverickminds.com.au/uncategorized/christmas-message-2022/ https://www.maverickminds.com.au/uncategorized/christmas-message-2022/#respond Wed, 07 Dec 2022 07:17:47 +0000 https://www.maverickminds.com.au/?p=2108 Christmas message 2022 As the year draws to close, I’m reflecting on the work and conversations Maverick Minds has had throughout 2022. A couple of themes that emerged were building human connection and workplace flexibility. Given the major disruptions over the past three years it seems right that focusing on relationships would become a priority, […]

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Christmas message 2022

As the year draws to close, I’m reflecting on the work and conversations Maverick Minds has had throughout 2022. A couple of themes that emerged were building human connection and workplace flexibility. Given the major disruptions over the past three years it seems right that focusing on relationships would become a priority, enabling people to stay connected and feel a sense of belonging in what is becoming an increasingly disruptive and hybrid working world.

Exploring and experimenting with meaningful ways to keep people connected to one another and their work is central to creating a positive organisational culture. Connection is essential, most work in organisational life requires team-work. Afterall it’s the creativity and commitment of people that make things happen, or not.

Flexible work, when implemented well, is good for everyone. Research from the Productivity Commission and Workplace Gender Equality Agency found the switch to remote working has not materially affected employees’ productivity – and that productivity could even increase if widespread remote working continued. The research found nearly four in five organisations now have a formal flexible work policy or strategy.

For businesses adopting a hybrid model, proper frameworks need to be in place. Employers need to be intentional about how they design and use workspaces now that work environments have options.

Smart and innovative businesses are looking at ways flexibility can work, there is no one right way. There is opportunity to experiment and trial different arrangements.

They refer to examples such as:

  • work from anywhere – including overseas if people need to see family or want to travel
  • minimum of two days and a maximum of three days a week in the office for its professional workers,
  • organising days when everyone is in the office so that people remain connected.

Over the year I’ve had the opportunity to connect and work with some great clients who have focused on the power of connection and the benefits it brings, so I’m handing out the golden gong to a few of my favourite joyful professional engagements this year.

2805264.pngInertia Engineering – for being open minded, curious and trusting as Maverick Minds worked closely with the executive team to design, develop and facilitate their inaugural Inertia Day. The QAGOMA roof terrace provided the perfect location for a day of connection, creativity, communication and fun.

2805264.pngDepartment of Agriculture and Fisheries – for trusting the experience and skill Maverick Minds could bring to their context to help a diverse unit reconnect and focus on key organisational themes. Respect and rapport developed quickly. We understood and respected our respective strengths. People responded positively and allowed themselves to get into the day.

2805264.pngFlying Arts – I’ve had a long association with Flying Arts and its always a joy to work with creative practitioners, involved in interesting projects. Maverick Minds designed an interactive two part course with resources for discussion, reflection and action. This is an opportunity for creative professionals to pause and take stock of their practice and creative wellbeing. It’s an opportunity to learn and share from each other. Who doesn’t enjoy working with people that want to are explore, grow and develop their professional practice whatever that practice is.

2805264.pngVarious individual coaching clients – I have the ongoing privilege of working with executives, managers, and partners in corporate contexts and individuals seeking some aspect of change in their professional life. I love being part of the co-creative coaching process and to witness the insights and changes people create in their lives.

2805264.pngThank you to my writing buddy Dr Andrew Rixon. Over the past 2.5 years Andrew and I have curated and edited our book Facilitating with Stories: Ethics, Reflective Practice and Philosophies. This is our second book together. While it was a demanding project, we also had the joy and privilege of working with the many authors who contributed to the book. During October we ran a series of virtual book launches that were well received by attendees and the authors. If you are interested in the book, use the link to take you to Cambridge Scholars Publishing

As a special offer to Maverick Minds newsletter subscribers use discount code Author40 to receive a 40% discount. I may be biased however I do think it is fantastic resource if you are interested in working with stories in any capacity.

2805264.pngThank you to my co-coaching colleague Helen Zink. Over the past year I’ve had the joy of working with Helen as part of the GTCI Practicum Faculty (Global Team Coaching Institute – Complex Adaptive Systems Program). This was our first time working together so we discussed how we would work together and how we wanted the experience to be not only for us but also for the participants. Our simple mantra became ‘make it good for everyone’ and have some fun along the way. We’ve certainly done that and more, I’ve really enjoyed and learned a lot from the experience and I look forward to future collaborations.

2805264.pngEMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) – an interactive webinar I facilitated which focused on Minding our Creativity in Coaching. I enjoyed the interaction with this international coaching community who hold a love for learning and are curious about creativity in their practice.

2805264.pngAFN (Australian Facilitators Network) – we had our yearly conference which was held virtually. Voluntarily organised this amazing self-organising group (SONG), has gathered for 25 years and always provides an elevating platform for facilitators to experiment, share and learn from each other. I facilitated an interactive session called ‘Making Sense of Complexity: A Visual Exploration, using images to explore complexity. In a highly complex world was a beautiful and inviting simplicity to this years conference.

You probably notice in Maverick Minds Awards descriptions some core characteristics that are embedded across these engagements and influence my professional philosophy.

  • Bringing and creating joy in the work we do together
  • Creating and establishing trust, respect, kindness to bring about positive working relationships. This can happen over time or can happen quickly when the right people, attitudes, mindsets, and behaviours are in place.
  • Everyone involved needs to be open and curious, rather than judgemental and closed
  • A desire to co-create…everyone has their part to play, it’s not just down to one person to make things happen. When we establish positive and creative ways of working, combined with trust and respect, we have a good recipe for working well and getting a positive outcome.
I’m looking forward to 2023 working with current and new clients with creativity and joy at the heart of our collaboration.

If anything sparks your interest or you’d like to know more about any of the projects I’ve mentioned whether its facilitation, individual and team development coaching, interactive presentations, events & workshop sessions, and keynote facilitation. I’d love to have that conversation with you, whether that’s in person, virtually or over the phone. It’s that simple.

I’d also like to wish you a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy a well-deserved break and take time to nurture your creative wellbeing whether that’s on your own, with friends or family, in the garden, just pottering, making art, looking at art, cooking, swimming, walking, running or savouring the art of simply being.

I look forward to reconnecting with you in 2023 which I hope will be a kind and flourishing one for all of us.

Yours creatively
Dr Cathryn Lloyd
Creative Catalyst
Creative Facilitation & Coaching
Founder Director
Maverick Minds
0406 007 753

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Notes from the World of Conferences https://www.maverickminds.com.au/uncategorized/notes-from-the-world-of-conferences/ https://www.maverickminds.com.au/uncategorized/notes-from-the-world-of-conferences/#respond Mon, 12 Jun 2017 05:29:29 +0000 http://www.maverickminds.com.au/?p=777 Greetings Mavericks In the past few weeks I’ve attended the Australian Institute of Training and Development conference in Sydney and the Australian Women and Leadership Symposium in Brisbane. While there were different focuses there is also some common ground. For this newsletter I’ll distil a few of the key themes that emerged for me at […]

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Greetings Mavericks

In the past few weeks I’ve attended the Australian Institute of Training and Development conference in Sydney and the Australian Women and Leadership Symposium in Brisbane.
While there were different focuses there is also some common ground. For this newsletter I’ll distil a few of the key themes that emerged for me at both conferences and share some of my insights.

I hope you find them useful as you think about learning and leadership in your organisations.

2017 Australian Institute of Training of Training and Development

I’m at the airport waiting for my flight.  I’m returning home from the AITD Learning Conference with my head and a note-book full of ideas and information. Behind me I hear a conversation that reflects a lot of what has been presented and discussed over the past couple of days.

A particular sentence catches my attention…

“Everything is changing so fast I have to be learning all the time”.

This could be the new mantra for all of us.  Most of us are aware of how much information is available and how rapidly things can change.

How do we stay connected, learn well and find ways to effectively share information in a meaningful and worthwhile way?

Welcome to the 21st Century world of work and learning.

The conference included key notes from Connie Malamed, The eLearning Coach and Sahana Chattopadhyay, Proteeti and other presenters Dr Denise Myerson, Arun Pradhan – DeakinCo, Matthew Mason – Reality Creators, Nicole Davidson – Growing Beyond and Cheryle Walker – Digital Learning Strategists to name a few.

There was a strong focus on digital learning, which highlighted that there is a gap between business and the use of technology in terms of how learning is provided.  Organisations are behind the curve, which presents as an intriguing paradox and challenge given the increasing realisation that digital technology, robotics, AI (automation and augmentation) will be major disruptors for individuals and businesses.

The 2015 CEDA (Committee for Economic Development in Australia) Australia’s Future Workforce report claims that around 40 per cent of the workforce faces the high probability of being replaced by computers/AI in the next 10 to 15 years.

Whether we buy into an optimistic or more pessimistic view or the good or evil of technology – one thing for sure we will all be impacted in some way and it’s probably best if we adopt a learning and flexible mindset to navigate our professional lives in the 21st Century.

A 2017 Global trend report from Deloitte ‘Rewriting the Rules for the Digital Age’ states that Australian organisations are under prepared for the pace of the digital age.

The reports outlines that the issue is not simply “reskilling” or planning new and better careers. Instead, organisations must look at leadership, structures, diversity, technology, and the overall employee experience in new ways.

Deloitte proposes that organisations are being pressed to rewrite the rules for how they organise, recruit, develop, lead, manage, and engage the 21st-century workforce.  It requires a shift in mind-set and behaviour.

While this might seem daunting, there are great opportunities to be had by organisations that understand the changing nature of business, are prepared to be creative, and take positive action.

Rather than be overwhelmed we can take on board what Sahana Chattopadhyay suggests and start with micro changes that over time can create a powerful shift.
Remember a lot of organisations that currently exist will not be around in the next 15 years so now is the time to have a good look at what is going on in your business.
While its comforting to know that things maybe OK for now it is about what might be needed in the future.  It’s easy to let today’s busyness cloud clear thinking for the future.

Regardless of what view we hold for a digital, automated/augmented world there is no doubt that technology is changing the nature of work, how we work, where we work and with whom we work. Some of the emergent themes that seem significant and worth exploring include the following:

  1. The why of what we do is crucial to success.  Our sense of purpose as an individual and as an organisation is essential.  It helps us to create meaning and value for our clients.
  2. Personal/Professional Networks hold knowledge – develop and understand who is in your network and whose network you are part of.  Who can you help and who can help you?
  3. Recognise that the nature of most work is interdependent.  People need to understand where, how, when and why sharing and collaboration is needed.  People also want autonomy – both are possible.
  4. Understand what skills and capabilities are transferrable.  Allow people to shine in the workplace by supporting them to explore and share their experiences and what they have to offer.
  5. Organisations and government institutions and policies are slower to respond to change than individuals.  Individuals can and will learn and respond to change positively when they understand the why of change.
  6. Provide flexibility at all levels and areas of business in the workplace – everyone will benefit.  Learning needs to be flexible, mobile, relevant and timely. Learning needs to align with the business and the individual.
  7. Help people to share knowledge and information through communities of practice, face-to-face interactions, beyond silos and look for ways people can engage easily through digital platforms.  The curation of information is an exciting development and worth exploring.
  8. While digital and data fluency is necessary we also need to be human.
  9. Learn and unlearn – the cycle of learning – don’t get stuck.
  10. Technology can be a facilitator and is part of the solution it’s not everything.  We need to become the Masters of Technology, not Technology the Master of Us.
  11. Work and learning are ultimately the same thing – the two worlds need to merge – how does learning impact on work and how is it integrated into work.  This raised the question around the word ‘Learner’ and whether it is the most appropriate word to use as people may not see that as their primary focus.  If not learning then what else?  An interesting question to ponder and what that might mean in your organisation.
  12. Have bold goals, be clear with your purpose, and more importantly create tangible micro changes that enable people to move toward those goals.  Remember a lot of organisations that are around now will not be around in the next 15 years.

I have a confession. I love the person-to-person world. My bias is to get together with people and see what emerges when people interact.  It can be unpredictable and that is where creativity and opportunities converge – the intersection of people coming together to explore what might be possible and then to figure out what action needs to be taken.

I enjoy meeting people. It’s my preference for learning as well as educating and facilitating groups.  However I am aware there are other approaches and digital learning has a place in the learning space.  Ultimately how I embrace this brave new world will be negotiated through the interactions I have with my clients and understanding their needs.

Women & Leadership Australia Leadership Symposium

As a WLA Alumni I had the good fortune to attend the Australian Women’s Leadership Symposium as part of the Advanced Leadership program I recently participated in. It provided a chance to reconnect with WLA and the wonderful alumni cohort I am part of.

My WLA cohort is a diverse group with a good cross section of people from industries such as health, defence, education, mining, agriculture and business holding senior management roles.

What is striking about the group is its diversity which happens to be its strength.  We respect and value the different experiences and insights each of us bring to the group.  There is a real sense of sharing and interest in each other.  The group is committed to finding ways we can get together even though we live in various locations across Australia.

Leadership was the main conference theme and we heard different stories from women of various professional areas share their experiences and views on leadership.  An underlying message that came through strongly is the need for diversity.

Presenters included Professor Jan Thomas Vice Chancellor at Massey University; Sadhana Smiles, CEO Harcourts Group Victoria; Catherine Fox Journalist, Commissioner Katarina Carroll, Qld Fire and Emergency Services; Abbie Wright Diversity and Inclusion, Aurecon; Cath Brokenborough, Executive Lead Indigenous Engagement and Reconciliation Action Plan, Lend Lease; Dr Terrance Fitzsimmons UQ Business School and co-convenor of the Australian Gender Equity Council; and Annabel Crabb political writer, Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Here are a few of my favourite things that emerged from the 2017 Women’s Leadership Symposium.

  1. Leadership is complex. The whole person makes the leader.  It’s worth getting to know yourself well. What inspires you as a leader? Why do you do what you do?
  2. Surround yourself with people who are different to you.  It’s easy to be seduced by people who think and act the same.  The underlying message is to make sure you get a range of views and opinions that differ from your own.  Be prepared to be challenged.  Don’t surround yourself with yes people.
  3. Listen, Listen and listen again
  4. Diversity and inclusion requires the whole deck of cards
  5. Stories have power – share stories of yourself and stories of success of failure.
  6. Look in the mirror – as a leader what did you do and what did you not do?
  7. We need to help people to become good leaders.  It doesn’t necessarily just happen.  A quote that sums this up well comes from one of the speakers Belinda Brosnan…”just because you have thousands of frequent flyer points doesn’t mean you can fly the plane”.  Leadership is a continuous cycle of learning and leaders need to have a learning mindset.  Who can you help and who can help you?
  8. Be OK with discomfort.  Being an effective leader is not always comfortable.
  9. The type of leadership at the top permeates to the bottom.  What is permeating in your organisation?
  10. One of the leadership stereotypes is the idea that women ‘get things done’ rather than ‘women are strategic’.  Let’s dispel that right now – women can and are both.
  11. Be conscious of your biases and then do something about it.
  12. Being vulnerable as a leader may be scary and it’s worth exploring.  Gently, gently and see what happens.
  13. Be aware of the language you use as a leader and then do something about.  What are you saying or not saying?
  14. The paradox of leadership – a leader needs to build consensus and at times may not necessarily lead by consensus.  Leadership is also about making decisions.
  15. Make it easy for people to do the right thing.  Make it easy for people to learn.
  16. Link diversity and inclusion to KPI’s.
  17. Diversity in senior/executive management is crucial to long-term sustainable business success.
  18. Lack of diversity is not simply unfair it does not make good business – it’s not clever business.  GDP increases by 11% with gender balance.
  19. Leaders enable others to call and question behaviour.
  20. Help people understand why change is needed – help them understand the purpose of change.

With all of that (and there is more) the big question is what legacy will you create and leave as a leader. What will people say about you now and in the future?

On another note if you didn’t get the chance to see the Global Leadership Effectiveness Summit that I was recently part of here is the link to that interview – click here.

  • I am interested to know what is happening in your organisation in relation to these ideas.
  • How is your organisation traveling?
  • What are you doing or not doing?
  • How can I help you?

If you would like to discuss any of this or ways that Maverick Minds can help your organisation and your greatest asset – your people – I am available.

If you would like to call or meet in person do get in touch.  You can phone or email me on 0406 007 753 or email me here.

You can also visit www.maverickminds.com.au and see what else Maverick Minds has to offer.

Until next time

Yours creatively


Dr Cathryn Lloyd
Maverick Minds


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Merry Christmas and 2016 in review https://www.maverickminds.com.au/uncategorized/merry-christmas-and-2016-in-review/ https://www.maverickminds.com.au/uncategorized/merry-christmas-and-2016-in-review/#respond Wed, 14 Dec 2016 00:29:34 +0000 http://www.maverickminds.com.au/?p=707 Hello Mavericks In my last newsletter I wrote about getting the most from conferences.  2016 really was a major conference year for Maverick Minds.  It provided the opportunity to attend and present at the Art of Management and Organization conference in Slovenia, the Queensland Rural Regional and Remote Women’s Network in Roma, The Arts and […]

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Hello Mavericks
In my last newsletter I wrote about getting the most from conferences.  2016 really was a major conference year for Maverick Minds.  It provided the opportunity to attend and present at the Art of Management and Organization conference in Slovenia, the Queensland Rural Regional and Remote Women’s Network in Roma, The Arts and Health Conference in Sydney and the Story Conference in Melbourne.

From my perspective The Story Conference: influencing cultural change one story at a time goes to the heart of what makes a conference worthwhile.  Ultimately it is about connecting and sharing knowledge with our peers, professions and industries.  When this is done through creative and powerful storytelling it is a great thing.  It is also about the stories told and shared throughout the conference, in the breaks, at lunch, via workshops.  I think that’s why I enjoyed the Story Conference as much as I did.  There were workshops, longer breaks, open space – both outdoors and within the program, as well as some creative community building activities which encouraged deeper connection.

And while we know stories can be used to connect, influence, move, and create positive change, the flip side is that people and organisations can get stuck in unhelpful stories; so it pays to be mindful and aware of the stories that we tell ourselves and the people around us.

Life certainly brings challenges.  Being human means we will be on the receiving end of any number of good and not so good stories. As my colleague Geoff Mead from the Narrative Leadership Associates says – “we are swimming in a sea of stories”.   Indeed we do – stories of joy, sorrow, conflict, paradox, uncertainty, complexity, love, greed, compassion, anxiety, fear and hope.

Being human means we need to find ways to navigate and support ourselves, and at times the people around us, within the complexity and uncertainty that life holds.   One of the ways we do that is through stories.  Stories often have a starring role in how we endeavour to make sense of ourselves and the world we inhabit.

2016 has provided me with some great opportunities.  Working with people can be complex, exciting, creative and at times challenging.  It certainly keeps me on my toes.  I have enjoyed longer-term engagement with my clients.  This has allowed for a more satisfying and deeper way to engage with others and for positive change to emerge.  Time is often a major factor in what can be achieved or not.   Change, innovation, relationships, creative leadership and a cultivating a sense of wellbeing and flourishing can provoke feelings of uncertainty, and yet if we want change and different results we need to sit with that and work with it.

I’m also excited by the opportunity to co-edit the special edition of the International Journal of Professional Management with my colleague Dr Geoff Hill and will be released in 2017.  This special edition is based on the storytelling workshop presentations from the 2016 Art of Management and Organization conference strand we co-curated and facilitated.  I’ll let you know when this becomes available.

Finally, it would be remiss of me to not acknowledge that at Christmas many of us become part of a very powerful narrative in some way or another.  Underneath that narrative is a mix of competing stories – of faith, beliefs, values, assumptions, and conflicting views. Whatever Christmas conjures up for you it can provoke certain demands and a range of feelings.  It can also be a time to take stock and reflect on what has been and what is yet to arrive.

Christmas often means catching up with family and friends and if you are fortunate it provides some ‘chillax’ time.  So while you down tools for a while, catch up on some reading and napping, I hope your heart and soul are also filled with nourishing stories by loved ones and strangers.

I’ve recently shared some great stories with strangers and have learned a whole lot of stuff I didn’t know – from a person doing multi faith peace work around the world to being shown software on an iPad which pilots use when flying air-crafts.  Very interesting!

I wish you well for the Christmas season and hope that 2017 is a positive year full of stories that will move and inspire you.

And I hope we have the chance to connect in person and share some of those stories.

In the meantime

Stay safe, well and always creative

Yours creatively
Cathryn Lloyd

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